Monday, June 27, 2005

meme baton

Patry Francis has passed the meme baton to me, and since it's all about books, I agreed. So, here are my answers:

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book do you want to be?
Dostoevesky's, Notes from the Underground

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Yes, quite a few, and most of them female. The protagonists of:
Jelinek's The Piano Teacher
Jelinek's Wonderful Wonderful Times
Ellen Miller's Like Being Killed
Nathalie Sarraute's Do you Hear Them?
Lisa Lerner's Just Like Beauty
Veza Canetti's The Tortoises
Jane Bowles' Two Serious Ladies
Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway

The male protagonists:
Jiri Weil's Life with a Star
All of Thomas Bernhard's
All of Samuel Beckett's

The last book you bought is?
Cows by Matthew Stokoe - great book

What are you currently reading?
Addition & Subtraction by Richard McNally - in manuscript form at the moment. Loved his collection of short stories, Velocity (2001, Curious Rooms).

Five books you would take to a deserted island

1. The Bible

2. Wallace Stevens' Collected Poems

3. Musil's The Man Without Qualities

4. Flaubert's Bouvard & Pecuchet

5. Three Novels by Samuel Beckett: Molloy, Malone Dies, the Unnamable

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?

I'm going to pass the meme to Bev Walton, Book Coolie, and S.L. Cunningham, because i think they will pick up the baton and run with it.



Blogger Patry Francis said...

I knew your responses would point me in the direction to some great new books, and they have.

5:54 PM  
Blogger the tsipi keller blog said...

thanks, patry, so did your mention of the Kabir Book.

9:27 AM  

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